Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A shout out to the girls….

I love this blog world and the little visits you get to have with friends. I have several friends that are just starting off their lives as wives, mothers and creative women. I am constantly amazed at the creative lives they live. I have known  these girls since they were little girls playing with dolls – Ok maybe not Katy- she was playing softball! It has been such a pleasure to watch them grow into the young women they are today. By visiting their blogs I can peek in to their lives and keep up with their precious families. Stop by for a visit sometime and see what creative little mothers they are-
-blog title
Katy is my name sake-Molly Katherine- it has been such a joy to watch her become a mother and such a fun one at that!! perfect for a little boy
Annalee was one of my nieces Sarah's best friends growing up and we shared another connection in that her mom and me were childhood friends back in elementary school.
Brittney grew up in our church –like her mom-I can not remember not knowing the Davis/Broyles. Her mom Kay Rita taught all of our children in 3 year old Sunday school and the creative genes were certainly past down to Brittney!
I love the way God has made these 3 young women into amazing mothers- isn’t it fun to watch our children grow up? I believe it is one of the blessings of getting older…..


ThePoeFam said...

How sweet is this?! Thank you for the shout out!!! I love this crazy blog world and how it makes it so easy to stay connected! :)

klp said...

awwww...thanks, molly! this made me feel so special. :) blogs are fun, and i love having yours to keep up!

annalee said...

wow, i'm blushing! you are too sweet molly. i love coming to your beautiful blog too!

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