Boy do I have a lot to catch you up on -can't wait to get started!!!
Molly B

Posted by molly at 9/28/2015 0 comments
This past weekend I attended a reunion that just gave me a glimpse of what the reunion will be like in Heaven someday with all the believers. I grew up at FBC Abilene, Texas. I have always considered it My church – I love it – It loves me – I have made many, many memories within the walls of FBC. This weekend rates right up there in the sweet memories I will carry with me.
From 1967-71 Bob and Esther Burroughs served as our Minister of Music and Youth leader. I was a little young at that point to be in the youth group but I learned to sing with Bob in the Junior High Choir. My Brother and Sister were both in his High School Choirs and their friends were like my big brothers and sisters. I have not seen some of these friends for 30 years or more? How can it be? It was so fun trying to figure out who everyone was and catch up with their lives – “So what have you been doing for the last 40 years?” HA
My family “The Browns” and the Burroughs became like family. My precious parents loved them like the 3 of us. We loved their children – Melody and David. Melody was like the Little sister I always wanted. We have so so many wonderful memories through the years . I am so blessed to be loved by the Burroughs family. I felt all weekend that Mom and Dad were smiling in Heaven watching us all together again after several years.
As a group we sang 2 songs in the morning worship service. I will also say how surprised we were that we sang pretty dang good after all these years! Esther preached Sunday morning and Bob lead the Sanctuary Choir in a song he composed for Our Church – so Pretty. Sunday night the Sanctuary Choir sang many of Bobs songs he has composed through the years – amazing – what a God given talent that man has and shares with the world.
Now back to Esther – she loves me and knows my heart. She can touch my heart like no one else on this earth. Her morning sermon was on leaving a legacy of faith for our children and grandchildren. Being prayer warriors for them, encouragers, Family. I am a fairly new Grammy – My favorite name of ALL my names. I pray that I can be the Godly Grammy that God wants me to be to my precious grandchildren. I pray that I can lead them to walk with the Lord every day of their lives. I am not the picture of the grandmother I always dreamed I would be. I never thought that I would be a divorced grandmother and walk this journey alone. I had a lot to think about Sunday night when I got home from Church and went out on my porch to just think and pray. As I was sitting there God gave me 3 words – FINISH THE RACE- finish the race – finish the race.
I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7
I have definitely fought a good fight in my life – as things have been thrown at me to test my faith and belief in the Lord – I have always kept strong in my faith through all the storms of life.Just as my parents, the Burroughs and the Links taught me as a young women. I do not know what I would have done with out the love of my heavenly Father – he did not leave me alone and broken. What I realized on my porch is I am not finishing the race strong – I am on the last quarter of my race – I need to finish the race set before me. I look back on the last few years and realized I have been strong in my faith and walk but I have no fellowship with the believers at my church. I realized this weekend how much the body of Christ can lift you up. You see I have been hiding from the people that love me and accept me as I am – divorced and all. They love me just like God Loves me. Esther made me think about the fact that I could be just what someone else needs to lift them up from the Pits of life! I have a story to share – a story that could help someone find their way after divorce. Why is it the hardest place to go after life's disappointments is to Church? – they do not judge, they love you just the way you are – warts and all. I think for me – it was the memories that got to me. I would think of all the family members not sitting beside me anymore-
I am so thankful that Esther started me on my race as a young girl and now as a grandmother she made me realize I have to finish my race strong- I want to leave a legacy of Great Faith for my Children and Grandchildren.
“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us” Phil. 3:14
What a reunion we all will share in Heaven someday -Pressing on toward the race -
Molly B
Posted by molly at 4/29/2013 3 comments
Today is Earth day but I would say that every day is Earth day at my little cottage. I love the outdoors and love to be out this time of year.The breezes are cool and the sunny days are a welcome relief after a gloomy winter. Yesterday Morning was especially a glorious morning and I just had to snap a few pictures of my favorite friends I welcomed back this year around my garden.
Welcome Back Spring my old friend!
Posted by molly at 4/22/2013 0 comments
Posted by molly at 4/01/2013 0 comments
It is hard to believe that it has been 2 months since I wrote a blog! My how the days past fast ! I use to get so mad at my mom for saying that – school always seemed to last forever and I was ALWAYS ready for summer! My days have been very full and I have spent lots of time at the gym, work and enjoying my grandchildren – Life is Good and I am very blessed!
I saw this saying recently and agree with it whole heartily- Life does go on – no matter what comes your way there is always tomorrow we just have to keep walking and doing what we know to do to get through it with our heads held high.
And I know that whatever else comes your way do what makes your soul Happy! Sew, Walk, enjoy friends, hug your children and grandchildren and the days will be sunny and bright. I have been doing a lot of that lately and my soul is very happy.
Hoping you do what makes your soul good!!
Molly B
Posted by molly at 2/27/2013 0 comments
The words to one of my favorite Christmas songs- My wish for each of us this Christmas
Merry Christmas – It’s the Birthday of our King!
Molly B.
Posted by molly at 12/24/2012 0 comments
The halls are decked…..
Fun Party with my Friends….Two Generations of friends… and now we are working on the third generation… that makes my heart very happy!
Cookies Baked…. decorated and….. EATEN! Fun times with cousins!
Jet didn’t mess with decorating the cookies – he just dipped them in icing and ate! For Drew and Callie they loved the red hots “Buttons” every cookie had to have a button! Such a sweet time with all of us. I didn’t get any pictures of the big kids and their Cookies – sorry Sarah,Anna and Meg.
Shopping is done and presents almost all wrapped and Now I am just waiting on this Man
Ho HO Ho Merry Christmas
Molly B
Posted by molly at 12/21/2012 0 comments