Monday, July 02, 2012

Hip Hip Hooray for July 4th!!


To say I love July 4th is a huge understatement – I just love everything about it!  BUT I have ONE major problem with my adult July 4ths. You see all my growing up years was spent at Lake Cisco – every summer for 20 years – every 4th of July was spent there. So on the 4th- I MISS the WATER!! Friday I was at Walmart and I could just tell everyone in there was going to the lake –they were happy smiles, baskets full of snacks and goodies, floaties, water toys and lot of cold drinks – I wanted to run my basket into them and say TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!  I am trying to be a big girl and get over it but dang it is hard!

Ok let me tell you what I love about the 4th of July other than water. I love picnics, parades in neighborhoods, fun clothes (that you only wear on that special day) and the Fireworks- oh I do love me some fireworks! My favorite all time fireworks was sitting on the banks of the pacific ocean in Monterey, CA watching them shot out across the water and the reflection in the water was amazing – I will never forget that. But I love the ones t here in good ole Abilene – parked along the road just watching them gives me chills.

The 4th always brings out the crafty person in me – I know that is surprising! HEHE This year I found this darling shirt on Pinterest and knew just the little girl I would make it for.


I can’t wait to see our little firecracker in this! I will share a picture later – I promise. Anna my niece made herself a darling pair of shorts to wear on the 4th – aren't they cute?!


Maybe I can get a picture of her in these too. Whatever you are doing on this special day for our country – Have a great, fun day and if you are one of the lucky ones near water – ski around for me or jump in the water!!



Happy Birthday America!

Molly B


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