Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Off she goes into the wild blue Yonder....

Even at a early age she was a glamor girl!

Yes sir I will marry you Major Joe! And Anna will be the maid of Honor?

This past weekend my oldest niece Sarah Beth got engaged. It was a wonderful surprise to her and it brought great happiness to her whole family. Sarah has always been a ray of sunshine and a breath of fresh air to us all. She makes us laugh and has entertained us her whole life. It has been such a privilege to watch her grow into the beautiful young women she is today. She has been very brave the last two years - watching her Major Joe go to a War zone twice. She has learned alot about the military wife she will become.

Congratulations Sarah Beth you got a Major catch!


annalee said...

hooray for the big news! joe is going to be blessed to have all of you for family, and i know you guys are blessed to have him too!

Sarah Beth said...

Love the post! Thanks for the awesome tribute! Can't wait to start planning!! Get excited!!

winstonbot said...

have you had any trouble lately downloading pictures, I have been trying for about 2 hours now to make a post and pictures won't download???any idean???

mary said...

This is such a cute and clever post!

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